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Peter J. Denning, Editor in ChiefThe digitally connected world has become a large, swirling sea of information stripped of context.

We help our readers make sense of it, find meaning in it, learn what to trust, and prepare for the future that may show up. "Ubiquity and Your Future

Peter J. Denning,

Ubiquity Upgrades!



Enabling Intentional Human Engagement with AI

Interviewed by Bushra Anjum

In this interview, Ubiquity's senior editor, Dr. Bushra Anjum, chats with Ming Yin, an assistant professor at Purdue University, about how intentional human interactions can fully realize the potential of AI in augmenting human intelligence. We also discuss Dr. Yin's research to empirically understand how humans engage with AI, computationally model this engagement, and design interventions to improve humans' engagement with AI by both influencing human behavior and adjusting AI designs.



Quantum Algorithms

by Ted G. Lewis

This essay was written for computer scientists seeking to understand quantum computing from an algorithmic point of view. It sacrifices rigorous physics so anyone with a computer science background can understand it. Note that it is about algorithms, not machines. This is intentional.



Speaking and Writing: Essentially the Same and Importantly Different

by Philip Yaffe

If you have been following "Communication Corner," you will notice this essay is radically different because is not self-contained. Rather it is the summation of everything that has gone before. Therefore it should come as no surprise that if you write better, you will also speak better. ...


Funny Headlines: Laugh at Your Peril

by Philip Yaffe

Have you ever been reading a newspaper or magazine and come across a headline that seemed unclear, or puzzling, or that made you laugh out loud because of its apparent stupidity? Almost certainly you have. But how do these bizarre lapses happen—and what can they teach us about our own writing? ...