ACM Learning Center
February 24, 2016
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Welcome to the ACM Learning Center Bulletin

Welcome to the February 2016 ACM Learning Center Bulletin, keeping you current on the many online learning tools ACM offers to help extend our members' skills and knowledge. To suggest addition of books, courses, future Webinar speakers and topics, or just offer feedback, leave a note in the Learning Center Suggestion Box

ACM Learning Center


•  Register for Feb. 26 Talk with ACM Queue's Tom Limoncelli: "Fail Better: Radical Ideas from the Practice of Cloud Computing"

•  Available on Demand: Feb. 3 Talk with ACM Fellow Grady Booch, "Computational Thinking"

•  New Books and Videos Added to Safari Books Online Library

LEARNING CENTER: Books, Courses, Videos

•  Featured Skillsoft Course: Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): Buffer Overflow

•  New Skillsoft Books: February 2016

•  New Skillsoft Short Videos: February 2016

•  Featured MK Title: Parallel Computer Architecture

•  ACM Interview: Tom Limoncelli


Register for Feb. 26 Talk with ACM Queue's Tom Limoncelli: "Fail Better: Radical Ideas from the Practice of Cloud Computing"
Register for our next ACM Learning Webinar, "Fail Better: Radical Ideas from the Practice of Cloud Computing", presented live on Friday, February 26, at 2 pm ET by ACM Queue columnist Tom Limoncelli, internationally recognized author, speaker, and system administrator. Distributed or "cloud" computing involves many moving parts, any of which can break or fail. Succeeding in this environment requires embracing failure, not running or hiding from it. To do this requires challenging our instincts with radical ideas. Tom will highlight some of the most radical advice from the new book The Practice of Cloud System Administration. ACM SIGMIS Information Director Indira Guzman, Professor of Information Technology Management and Director of the Ph.D. Program in the Glenn R. Jones College of Business at Trident University, moderates the questions and answers session. You can view our entire archive of past ACM Learning Webinars on demand at

Available on Demand: Feb. 3 Talk with ACM Fellow Grady Booch, "Computational Thinking"
If you missed it live, "Computational Thinking", presented by Grady Booch, ACM Fellow and Chief Scientist for Software Engineering at IBM Research, is now available on demand. In this presentation, Booch examines the nature of the shift from development of software-intensive systems by a relative few professionally trained computer scientists and engineers to a much larger community of amateur and incidental developers, people who must build computational systems as part of their primary focus, and consider the consequences not only for our profession but for the world that increasingly relies on such systems. The talk pas particular attention to the importance of computational thinking for the masses, and how we as professionals have a responsibility to shape the conversation. Will Tracz, Lockheed Martin Fellow Emeritus and Past Chair of ACM SIGSOFT, moderates. You can view our entire archive of past ACM Learning Webinars on demand at

New Books and Videos Added to Safari Books Online Library
Check out the latest book and video titles from Safari Books Online, recently added to the ACM Learning Center eBook collection. You'll find new and updated coverage of topics such Android Programming, AngularJS, Apache Spark, Big Data, CISSP, Docker, Data Science, Fucntional Programming, Go, Hadoop, Haskell, iOS 9 and Swift, Linux, Microservices, Python, R Programming, and Spring.

For a list of all the books and videos being removed from and added to our eBook library visit See our full collection of eBooks at

Learning Center: Books, Courses, Videos

Featured Skillsoft Course: Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): Buffer Overflow
This month's featured Skillsoft course is Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): Buffer Overflow. Buffer overflow attacks exploit vulnerabilities in an application due to mishandling of occurrences of data buffers being presented with more data than they were intended to hold. This course looks at buffer overflow attack methodology and tools, and countermeasures. This course is part of a series of courses which can used in preparation for the Certified Ethical Hacker v8, 312-50 exam. It has been developed in partnership with EC-Council and is based on their Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures V8 course materials and labs.

To access this and more than 1,000 Skillsoft Learning Collections courses, visit the ACM Learning Center, log in with your member credentials, and click on Skillsoft Learning in the top right corner. To jump directly to particular subject areas, visit the Skillsoft Learning Collections page. For more on these changes and new features in Skillport 8, see our Skillsoft FAQ/Support page.

New Skillsoft Books: February 2016
New books covering the latest IT skills and technologies are always being added to the ACM Skillsoft Learning Collections. Here are some of the notable titles added in February:

  • AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Essentials
  • Essentials of Administering Team Foundation Server 2015: Using TFS 2015 to Accelerate Your Software Development
  • Essential Statistics Using SAS, University Edition
  • Heterogeneous System Architecture: A New Compute Platform Infrastructure
  • Home Automation for Dummies
  • Introducing Gradle
  • Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting 11: A Practical Guide
  • Predictive Analytics, Data Mining and Big Data: Myths, Misconceptions and Methods
  • Pro React
  • Raspberry Pi with Java: Programming the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Real-Time Embedded Components and Systems Using Linux and RTOS
  • SAS 9.4 SQL Procedure User's Guide, Third Edition
  • SQL Server AlwaysOn Revealed
  • Tableau 9: The Official Guide
A more comprehensive list of recently added book titles is available at (see sidebar). To access this and more than 3,000 Skillsoft Learning Collections eBooks, visit the ACM Learning Center, log in with your member credentials, and click on Skillsoft Learning in the top right corner. To jump directly to particular subject areas, visit the Skillsoft Learning Collections page.

New Skillsoft Short Videos: February 2016
Did you know that ACM members have access to thousands of IT and productivity videos from Skillsoft? Covering a variety of today's hottest topics, these videos offer "on-the-job" support and solutions for busy practitioners. Recently, Skillsoft added significant video content in the following knowledge areas: Android App Development Essentials, Apache Accumulo Fundamentals,Apache Kylin, Apache Storm Introduction, Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions, AWS Certified Developer, Axure RP, C++ Institute Certified Professional Programmer, CAPPS, Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions, Hadoop Operations, IINS, iOS Application Development, iRise, Java EE 7 Web Development, Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite, Microsoft Excel 2016, Microsoft Office 365 for Advanced Business Users, Microsoft OneNote 2016, Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, Microsoft SharePoint 2016, Microsoft Word 2016, Oracle Database 12c, Puppet - Beyond the Basics, Python Fundamentals, Titanium, Universal Windows Platform � App Architecture and UX/UI with C#, Using Balsamiq, Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management, and Visual Studio for New Users. See for more information on short videos.

Featured MK Title: Parallel Computer Architecture
Parallel Computer Architecture explains the forces behind the convergence of shared-memory, message-passing, data parallel, and data-driven computing architectures. It then examines the design issues that are critical to all parallel architecture across the full range of modern design, covering data access, communication performance, coordination of cooperative work, and correct implementation of useful semantics. It not only describes the hardware and software techniques for addressing each of these issues but also explores how these techniques interact in the same system. Examining architecture from an application-driven perspective, it provides comprehensive discussions of parallel programming for high performance and of workload-driven evaluation, based on understanding hardware-software interactions.

This is just one of more than 460 titles from publishers Morgan Kaufmann (MK) and Syngress in ACM's eBook collection, covering the most bleeding-edge topics in computing, such as Big Data, Cybersecurity, Human-Computer Interaction, Parallel Computing, and more. The books are available in PDF (and some in ePub) and are downloadable to your desktop, laptop, tablet, and any popular eBook reader on your mobile device. All members (Student and Professional) can access them through the ACM Learning Center eBook catalog as well as the ACM Digital Library.

ACM Interview: Tom Limoncelli
Tune in as the leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs advancing computing as a science and a profession discuss their background, experience, and career highlights, all while providing invaluable insights and lessons learned for future computing professionals in this ongoing series of exclusive interviews conducted by Stephen Ibaraki, Chair of the ACM Professional Development Committee.

In a recent ACM Podcast Stephen Ibaraki interviewed Tom Limoncelli, an internationally recognized author, speaker, and system administrator. Limoncelli talks about his influential books (Practice of System and Network Administration, Time Management for System Administrators, and The Practice of Cloud System Administration); his work at Bell Labs, Google, and Stack Overflow; the USENIX Lisa conference; the importance of ACM Queue in bridging practitioners and academic research, and more.

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