Student Chapter Member Benefits

Individuals who are members of Chapters are known as ACM Chapter Members; ACM Chapter Members are eligible for the following set of member benefits:

  • Complimentary Subscription to Communications - Chapter Members are eligible for a three-month complimentary electronic subscription to ACM’s flagship publication Communications of the ACM. 
  • email address – Chapter members are eligible for an “” email forwarding address with filtering.
  • Receipt of ACM’s Popular E-Newsletters – TechNews, the latest news in computing, 3x weekly; CareerNews, the latest career and industry news, bi-monthly; and MemberNet, all about ACM people and events quarterly.
  • A full-year electronic subscription to XRDS, ACM's Student Magazine
  • ACM Student Quick Takes (SQT) a quarterly email newsletter with each issue highlighting ACM activities, programs, and offerings of interest.

Lifelong Learning

ACM offers lifelong learning resources including online books and courses from Skillsoft, TechTalks on the hottest topics in computing and IT, and more.


Publish with ACM

ACM's prestigious conferences and journals seek top-quality papers in all areas of computing and IT. It is now easier than ever to find the most appropriate venue for your research and publish with ACM.

Publish your work