ACM Student Quick Takes
October 17, 2016
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Welcome to ACM Student Quick Takes

Welcome to the Fall 2016 edition of Student Quick Takes. ACM Student Quick Takes (SQT) is a quarterly email newsletter geared specifically toward the needs of ACM Student Members. Each issue highlights ACM activities, programs, and offerings of interest.

•  Welcome, New Student Chapters

•  Start an ACM Student Chapter at Your School

•  ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational Data Science Fellowship Winners Announced

•  2016 Cutler-Bell Prize for Excellence in High School Computing: Apply by November 1 2016

•  2017 ACM-ICPC

•  Student Research Competition

•  ACM Learning Webinars Live & On Demand

•  Free ACM Student Materials

•  Did You Recently Graduate? Are You Graduating Soon?

•  Get Involved with XRDS!

•  Apply for N²Women Fellowship to Attend Conferences

•  10Under20: Young Innovators To Watch

•  Ambassadors for ACM Program

•  Book a Distinguished Speaker for Your School

•  ACM-W Student Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences

•  New Books and Videos Added to Safari Books Online Library

•  Collegiate Inventors Competition Expo + Awards

•  Complimentary Resources for ACM Student Members from Teradata University Network

•  Did You Hear? IU School of Informatics and Computing Recognizes Inaugural Schnabel Scholars

Welcome, New Student Chapters!
ACM is delighted to welcome these new chapters from all around the globe to the ACM family:

  • ACM Student Chapter at USI
  • Augsburg College ACM Student Chapter
  • BBSBEC ACM Student Chapter
  • Bennett University ACM Student Chapter
  • CCSE ACM Chapter
  • Chandigarh Engineering College ACM Student Chapter
  • CHARUSAT ACM Student Chapter
  • Cheyney University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • CMOD ACM Chapter
  • CSU Bakersfield ACM Student Chapter
  • DePaul University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • GMRIT ACM Student Chapter
  • ITSEC ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Japan ACM SIGCHI Chapter
  • KAIST ACM Student Chapter
  • MRIU ACM Student Chapter
  • MSA University ACM Student Chapter
  • National Institute of Technology, Silchar ACM Student Chapter
  • North American University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • North Carolina A&T State University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • NYU Tandon School of Engineering ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Oberlin College ACM-W Student Chapter
  • OPJU ACM Student Chapter
  • Osaka University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Pomona College ACM-W Student Chapter
  • RCCIIT ACM Student Chapter
  • S R Engineering College ACM Student chapter
  • Singapore ACM Chapter
  • Taipei ACM Chapter
  • UANL ACM Student Chapter
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham ACM-W Student Chapter
  • University of Delaware ACM-W Student Chapter
  • University of Maine ACM-W Student Chapter
  • University of Nebraska-Omaha ACM-W Student Chapter
  • University of Nottingham ACM-W Student Chapter
  • University of San Francisco ACM-W Student Chapter
  • University of West Florida ACM Student Chapter
  • University of West Florida ACM-W Student Chapter
  • UQAM ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Western Washington University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Xi'an ACM Chapter

Start an ACM Student Chapter at Your School
Take initiative and start an ACM Student Chapter at your school today! A Student Chapter serves as a gateway to forums, panel discussions, and symposia that further your professional development. Preparation and presentation of technical reports and papers and cooperative efforts on research projects allow students to test their technical expertise. Benefits include scholarship and recognition programs as well as access to the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program, one of the premier technology outreach programs in the computing industry! Learn how you can start a Student Chapter in 4 easy steps.

ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational & Data Science Fellowship Winners Announced
ACM SIGHPC (Special Interest Group on High-Performance Computing) and Intel offered a new international program of graduate fellowships in computational and data science. Students were nominated by their graduate advisors, and nominees spanned 21 disciplines and represented large, mid-sized, and small institutions in 23 countries. 80% of nominees were female, and 20% were identified as an underrepresented racial or ethnic minority in their country of study. The nominations were evaluated and ranked by a panel of 18 experts (who were themselves diverse with respect to race, gender, discipline, and nationality) based on nominees� overall potential for excellence in data science and/or computational science, and the extent to which they will help to increase diversity in the workplace. For information on the winners and more information about the fellowships, including a description of the online nomination process, visit the SIGHPC site.

2016 Cutler-Bell Prize for Excellence in High School Computing: Apply by Nov 1!
The challenge for this $10,000 award is to create an artifact that engages modern computing technology and computer science. Judges will be looking for submissions that demonstrate ingenuity, complexity, relevancy, originality, and a desire to further computer science as a discipline. To submit your application by November 1st visit the application page. For more information, please visit page.

Did your school participate in the 2016 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC)? The contest is a multitier, team-based programming competition that involves a global network of universities hosting regional competitions that advance teams to the ACM-ICPC World Finals. Participation has grown to several tens of thousands of the finest students and faculty in computing disciplines at almost 2,000 universities from over 80 countries on six continents. The contest fosters creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new software programs, and enables students to test their ability to perform under pressure. It is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world.

The upcoming ACM-ICPC World Finals take place May 20-25, 2017 in Rapid City, South Dakota USA.

Student Research Competition
The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft, is an internationally recognized venue enabling undergraduate and graduate students to experience the research world—for many undergraduates this is a first! The SRC is a unique opportunity to:

  • Share research results and exchange ideas with other students, judges, and conference attendees
  • Rub shoulders with academic and industry luminaries
  • Understand the practical applications of research
  • Perfect your communication skills
  • Win prizes and gain recognition from ACM and the greater computing community
The most recent SRC winners entered MobiCom 2016 (The annual Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking). In the Graduate category, 1st place went to Omid Abari, MIT, for "MiRa: A Millimeter Wave Software Defined Radio Platform with Phased Arrays." 2nd place went to Ashutosh Dekhne, UIUC, for "Cell Tower Extension Through Drones." And 3rd place went to Xing Liul, Indiana University, for "Measuring and Optimizing Smartwatch Energy Consumption."

Next two open calls for submissions are for MobileSoft 2017, May 22-23, 2017, with a deadline of January 20, 2017 and for Programming 2017, April 3-6, 2016, with a deadline of January 16, 2017. See all open calls for submission here. More information at

ACM Learning Webinars Live & On Demand
Register now for our live tutorial on TensorFlow with Google Brain Software Engineers. October 19 at 12PM ET with Martin Wicke, a Software Engineer at Google.

ACM keeps you at the cutting edge of the latest technical and technological developments with past talks covering Microservices, Python, Big Data, Critical Systems, and much more. On demand videos and material can be found in the ACM Learning Center.

Free ACM Student Materials
Faculty members can order complimentary ACM materials for distribution to students interested in the computing field. Items include ACM student membership brochures and posters, as well as flyers featuring ACM's Digital Library, Code of Ethics, and student chapters, among others. Place your order using our easy online form and we will fulfill your request promptly! Order free ACM student membership materials.

Did You Recently Graduate? Are You Graduating Soon?
Find a wealth of useful information at ACM's Online Resources for Graduating Students, including Resume tips, Job Board links, and more at:

If you are a Student Member transitioning to a Professional Member, we want to help—please take advantage of ACM's special discounted offer available to you by visiting:

Get Involved with XRDS!
Don't miss out on the Fall 2016 Issue issue of XRDS, which focuses on quantum computing. Inside you will find a range of articles tackling topics such as complexity theory, simulated annealing, machine learning, cryptography, and much more. To submit for the Winter 2016 issue on the Future of Work, email the editors at [email protected].

There are also currently several opportunities to get involved with the XRDS: Crossroads team. Whether your strengths lie in writing, editing, photography, or you want to list an event in the calendar-there is a place for you to make good use of your talents.

For more information, visit:

Apply for N²Women Fellowship to Attend Conferences
N2Women is pleased to announce the continuation of our N2 Women Young Researched Fellowship Awards. These awards will partially cover a young researcher's travel cost to a meeting where a N2Women event will be held. In exchange, the young researcher must help organize the N2Women meeting. An additional benefit of doing the organization is for the young researcher to connect with the organizers of the conference who are, typically, leaders in the research field. For more information please visit our site. Fill out the online application form to apply.

10Under20: Young Innovators To Watch
10Under20: Young Innovators to Watch is an initiative of Living in Digital Times in cooperations with the Kay Family Foundation. The Award provides recognition to 10 individuals or small teams for developing projects that demonstrate exceptional creativity, user design, scalability in five categories: Mobile Apps, STEAM/STEM, Maker Projects, Robotics, and Social Enterprise. Award winners may receive in-kind prizes, media promotion, and other benefits through the award. Winners will be notified by December 15, 2016 and will be invited to attend an awards ceremony at CES on January 7, 2017 in Las Vegas where they will be presented with their awards. Deadline for applications is on November 30. For more information regarding applications and entries please visit Mobile Apps Showdown.

2016 winners submitted apps, computer software,robotic controllers, and even prostehtic limbs. Full information can be found on CE Week NY. Similarly, The Kay Family Foundation and Living in Digital Times are pleased to announce their two Appreneur Scholars for 2016: Brandon Boynton, creator of The Bully Box, and Shalin Shah, creator of Voice. More information on the Appreneur Scholar Contest and the entries can be found on their site

Ambassadors for ACM Program
The Ambassadors for ACM program rewards ACM members like you for encouraging new members to join. Your first-hand experience with ACM's valuable career development and continuous learning programs makes you a perfect envoy to share your ACM experiences with prospective members. Please consider becoming an Ambassador for ACM. The program offers opportunities for you to earn new prizes, rewards and bonus gifts with each referral. The top two recruiters will receive a Grand Prize.

With access to Communications of the ACM, eBooks and videos, a new streamlined courses program for online learning, and the Digital Library, ACM offers more tools than ever to empower members to succeed in their chosen fields. Please share this news with friends and colleagues.

For more information, as well as recruitment membership applications, visit the Ambassadors for ACM site:

Book a Distinguished Speaker for Your School
ACM provides colleges and universities with direct access to top technology leaders and innovators from nearly every sector of the computing industry. Book the speaker for your next event through the ACM Distinguished Speaker Program (DSP) and deliver compelling and insightful content to your audience. Our program features renowned thought leaders in academia, industry and government, speaking about the most important topics in the computing and IT world today, especially those relevant to your student chapter. (However, you don't have to be a student chapter to request a speaker.) Visit for more information. Site info is now available in French, German, Russian, and Spanish!

ACM-W Student Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences
The ACM Women's Council (ACM-W), provides support for women undergraduate or graduate students in computer science and related programs who wish to attend research conferences. This exposure to the Computer Science research world can encourage a student to continue on to the next level (Undergraduate to Graduate, Masters to Ph.D., Ph.D. to an industry or academic position). The student does not have to present a paper at the conference she attends. Students can apply an unlimited number of times; however, once a student receives an award, she is no longer eligible for future ACM-W scholarships.

The ACM-W scholarships are divided between scholarships of up to $600 for intra-continental conference travel, and scholarships of up to $1200 for intercontinental conference travel. Scholarship applications are evaluated in six groups each year, in order to distribute awards across a range of conferences.

ACM-W encourages the student's home department to match the scholarship award and recognize the student's achievement locally within their department. In addition, if the award is for attendance at one of several ACM Special Interest Group conferences (SIGACCESS, SIGACT, SIGARCH, SIGCOMM, SIGCHI, SIGCSE, SIGDA, SIGECOM, SIGEVO, SIGGRAPH, SIGHPC, SIGIR, SIGITE, SIGMM, SIGMOBILE, SIGOPS, SIGPLAN, and SIGSOFT), the SIG will provide complimentary conference registration and a mentor during the conference. The number of free registrations available varies from SIG to SIG.

For an application form, notification dates and more information, please visit the scholarships page:

New Books and Videos Added to Safari Books Online Library
Check out the latest book and video titles from Safari Books Online, recently added to the ACM Learning Center eBook collection. You'll find new and updated coverage of topics such AngularJS, Amazon Web Services, Cassandra, Docker, Data Science, Hadoop, Haskell, Linux, Microservices, Python, R Programming, Scala, Ubuntu, and Spring.

For a list of all the books and videos being removed from and added to our eBook library visit See our full collection of eBooks at

Collegiate Inventors Competition Expo + Awards
The 2016 finalists have been annouced and you can meet them! It's not every day you meet someone who is changing the world; the Collegiate Inventors Competition is a national competition that recongnizes and rewards innovations, discoveries, and research by college and university students and their faculty advisors. Students frequently come from science, engineering, mathematics, and technology studies but creative invention can emerge from any course of study. The Competion Expo and award ceremony is on November 4, 2016 at The United States Patent and Trademark Office in Alexandria, VA. To find out more about the finalists and the competition check out the Collegiate website.

Complimentary Resources for ACM Student Members from Teradata University Network
ACM's partnership with the Teradata University Network enables student members to access complimentary software from Teradata, MicroStrategy, SAS, Tableau, and other software tools, as well as datasets, case studies, free certification training, and other content. Currently present in 98 countries and accessed by students from over 1,700 universities, Teradata University Network (TUN) offers a unique learning and teaching experience that is supported by distinguished academics around the world. TUN provides hands-on training in combination with technical expertise. The goal of TUN is to challenge students to become innovative thinkers who know how to use data warehousing to create and enhance business value. TUN prepares its students for a competitive marketplace through offering corporate reality experience using Teradata data warehousing technology, and providing access to resources that would otherwise be overwhelmingly expensive for universities to develop and maintain. TUN is a free web-based portal for both faculty and the students, and supports students at undergraduate and graduate levels. To gain access to TUN resources visit

IU School of Informatics and Computing Recognizes Inaugural Schnabel Scholars
IU Bloomington Newsroom, October 3, 2016 Indiana University scholarship program is named in honor of ACM CEO Bobby Schnabel, who served as dean of the IU School of Informatics and Computing from 2007 to 2015. Read Further

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