SIGLOG - Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation


The ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation is the premier international community for the advancement of logic and computation, and formal methods in computer science, broadly defined.

SIGLOG benefits for FY 2023

Member Benefits provided to SIGLOG Members:

  • Reduced registration for SIGLOG sponsored conferences
  • Reduced registration for conferences in cooperation with SIGLOG: (including POPL)
  • SIGLOG electronic newsletter; distributed electronically to all members of SIGLOG
  • Discounted membership for SIGLOG members joining EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science) or EACSL (European Association for Computer Science Logic)
  • Subsidies for students attending the Probabilistic programming workshop affiliated with POPL

Community Benefits provided by SIGLOG

  • Sponsorship of ACM-IEEE Symposium on Logic In Computer Science
  • In cooperation sponsorship of the Conference on Algebra and Co-algebra ,  Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics and the  workshop on Certified Proofs and Programs
  • SIGLOG website
  • SIGLOG also communicates through Facebook and Twitter
  • SIGLOG Alonzo Church Award
  • Support of summer schools
  • Support of the Logic Mentoring Workshop
  • Support of the Women in Logic meeting affiliated with LICS