ACM Student Chapter Excellence Awards

About the Awards

The ACM Student Chapter Excellence Awards are held every year in Spring. These Awards recognize chapters that display considerable initiative during the academic year. All student chapters in good standing are encouraged to apply for this award in five key areas. To be eligible, active chapters must have all required officers and at least 10 active chapter members listed on the Chapter Admin Interface (chapters in India must have 15 ACM Members). Winning chapters in each of these five areas receive $500 USD and a "best of" icon to proudly display on their chapter's website. These chapters are featured on the ACM website and in ACM  MemberNet.

ACM is proud to announce the 2023-2024 Student Chapter Excellence Award Winners:

Outstanding Chapter Activities: University of Texas at Dallas ACM Student Chapter

Outstanding Website: UCLA ACM Student Chapter

Outstanding Recruitment: University of Florida ACM-W Student Chapter

Outstanding Community Service: Universidad Panamericana ACM-W Student Chapter

Outstanding School Service: BITS, Pilani - Dubai ACM Student Chapter

Apply for an Award

The ACM Student Chapter Excellence Awards will reopen in March 2025.

Outstanding Chapter Activities

For ACM student chapters that sponsor a series of exceptional activities throughout the year or have focused their efforts on a single major activity. Tell us about your chapter's most successful activity/activities – you may list a maximum of 4. Please ensure to enumerate each one and place in order from oldest to newest. Be sure to describe each activity, including: the date (add end date if it was multiple days), the type of event, how many people participated, how it was funded, and what made it a success. If you have web pages for these activities, include the URLs. Please be sure to use your chapter's official name - do not refer to your chapter as 'ACM,' 'ACM-W' or 'WICS.' Please note, links to essays will not be accepted and will disqualify your chapter. Please ensure your chapter logo abides by ACM’s Chapter Logo Policy (

Application: Will be available in March 2025

Outstanding Chapter Website

For ACM student chapters that maintain an outstanding chapter website. Tell us about the design and content of your website and any noteworthy features. Also, tell us how you created it and what you do to keep it up to date. Don't forget to provide the URL so the judges can check it out. Please be sure to use your chapter's official name - do not refer to your chapter as 'ACM,' 'ACM-W' or 'WICS.' Please note, links to essays will not be accepted and will disqualify your chapter. Please ensure your chapter logo abides by ACM’s Chapter Logo Policy (

Application: Will be available in March 2025

Outstanding Recruitment 

For ACM student chapters that have done an excellent job of recruiting chapter members. Tell us about your recruiting program. How do you let students at your school know about your chapter and how do you get them interested in becoming a chapter member? What factors are most critical to your success? How many chapter members does your chapter have? Please note, this question is referring to your chapter member recruitment, not ACM membership recruitment. Please be sure to use your chapter's official name - do not refer to your chapter as 'ACM,' 'ACM-W' or 'WICS.' Please note, links to essays will not be accepted and will disqualify your chapter. Please ensure your chapter logo abides by ACM’s Chapter Logo Policy (

Application: Will be available in March 2025

Outstanding Community Service

For ACM student chapters that have made significant contributions to their communities through one major service project or a series of smaller projects - you may list a maximum of 4. Please ensure to enumerate each one and place in order from oldest to newest. Be sure to describe each project, including: the date (add end date if it was multiple days), who it served, how many people participated, and why was your chapter interested in these particular projects? If you have web pages for these projects, include the URLs. Please be sure to use your chapter's official name - do not refer to your chapter as 'ACM,' 'ACM-W' or 'WICS.' Please note, links to essays will not be accepted and will disqualify your chapter. Please ensure your your chapter logo abides by ACM’s Chapter Logo Policy (

Application: Will be available in March 2025

Outstanding School Service

For ACM student chapters that have made significant contributions to their own schools through one major service project or a series of smaller projects. Tell us about projects that help your fellow students, your department, or your school in general - you may list a maximum of 4. Please ensure to enumerate each one and place in order from oldest to newest. Tell us about each project including: the date (add end date if it was multiple days), how many people participated, and how it helped your fellow students, your department, or your school in general. If you have web pages for these projects, include the URLs. (Note, if you have worked on projects to help other schools, for example neighboring high schools, apply for the Community Service award rather than the School Service award.) Please be sure to use your chapter's official name - do not refer to your chapter as 'ACM,' 'ACM-W' or 'WICS.' Please note, links to essays will not be accepted and will disqualify your chapter. Please ensure your chapter logo abides by ACM’s Chapter Logo Policy (

Application: Will be available in March 2025

If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected].

See the winners of the ACM India Student Chapter Awards

Past Winners

View  Past Years' Winners

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