Minutes of the September 24, 1999 SGB EC Conference Call

1) Review status of current action items -

The following action items were closed:

Action: Furuta, to revise and update Operating Rules Policy. This will include a policy for disseminating seed money for newly formed SIGs. The Operating Rules will be forwarded to the SGB EC for review. Furuta will work with Baglio, Ryan and other representatives of the SGB that come forth. (7/22/99)

Action: Baglio and DeLorenzo will prepare a report on the allocation assessment for grants over the past 2 years. Baglio indicated that she would add tot he August agenda and close. (7/22/99)

Action: Furuta will work with Baglio and prepare a complete set of milestones for the SGB Nominating Committee.(7/22/99)

Action: Cohoon will provide URL to the fact sheet on electronic publishing.

Action: Baglio will make a HQ service fact sheet available on the web.

Action: Baglio to place SIGIR program review on agenda of next SGB meeting.

Action: Notkin will contact the SIGAPP leadership and let them know that the SIG will be placed in transitional status and that officers will be named based upon the plan developed by the leadership to improve the status of the SIG. This is to include volunteer development, leadership responsiveness and general activity level. (7/22/99)

Action: Chenais will ask Notkin to begin an e-mail discussion with the SGB with regard to program review procedures. (7/22/99)

Action: Ellis will distribute new SGB EC assignments to the SGB. (7/22/99)

Action: Via e-mail, Cassel and Notkin should update SGB EC on the dissolution of SIGNUM. (8/24/99)

Action: Baglio to forward report from John Delorenzo regarding allocation and grant revenue to SGB EC. (8/24/99)

Action: Ellis to inform Ernest Page that his appointment as Chair of SIGSIM has been approved and he should name the other members of his EC. (8/24/99)

2) SIGNUM Dissolution -

Notkin verified that the group was in agreement to officially dissolve SIGNUM As requested by the SIG's leaders. He will work with the SIGNUM leaders to determine what SIGNUM publications are appropriate for the Portal project. A portion of the fund balance can be applied to that project and the remainder can be used for a scholarship program as suggested by the SIGNUM leadership. The leaders were asked to set up a mechanism for the program but have not. He intends to ask the SIGSAM leadership to monitor the program. If it does not progress the funds will revert to the SGB.

Motion: Move to endorse dissolution of SIGNUM to ACM EC and Council.
(Notkin, Cassel)

3) SIGAPP Update -

Notkin reminded the EC that there were fewer total votes in the SIGAPP election than people running for office. This triggered concerns with regard to the viability of the SIG. The SGB placed in transition last month. They are focusing on the election as the problem rather than the slate being late, volunteer development issues, and little activity aside from sponsorship of the SAC conference. Notkin explained to the leaders that transitional status will allow them time to put a program plan together and present it to the SGB. If there really aren't problems then they simply return to their multi-service status.

The EC agreed that there was no reason to change what had been decided. The group needs to address the issue, submit a review and the SGB needs to take the appropriate actions. A face to face review is most appropriate.

Action: Baglio to place SIGAPP on the program review list for the Spring Meeting.

4) Updating Program Review Procedures - Small SIG Advisor Notkin will lead discussion (15 minutes)

Notkin added for input on the program review procedures that he distributed to the EC. There was support for the recommendations he made in his report. he agreed to present these to the SGB during the SGB meeting on Saturday, October 2nd. Furuta sees this procedure separating the program review from the viability review. Notkin indicated that might happen eventually but he certainly wouldn't endorse or recommend that at this item. The group was unsure how much time this would take on Saturday's agenda. It was agreed that 45 minutes would be appropriate.

Action: Baglio to provide Notkin with 45 minute slot on agenda for program review discussion.

5) Update on Society Committee -

Baglio reported that Soffa has scheduled a meeting with the society task force for Sunday afternoon, October 3rd.

6) Publications Update - Publications Advisor Cohoon will report on the activities in this area (5 minutes)

Cohoon reported that Peter Wegner will be unable to fulfill his term as Editor of Computing Surveys. The Publications Board is putting together a committee to find an editor and they would like representation from the SGB. EC members were asked to forward recommendations to Cohoon. In addition, he'll request nominations for the committee from the SGB. An acting Editor will be named for the next 6 months so there is time.

Action: Cohoon will send e-mail to the SGB requesting nominations for the Computing Surveys Editor search committee.

Action: Baglio to add Publications update to SGB agenda. The item will be led by Cohoon and will last for 10 minutes.

Transactions on Graphics is also seeking a new editor. Cohoon reporting that the SIGGRAPH Chair will be contacted for to participate in the search.

Cohoon will provide a publications update during the SGB meeting, he'll need 10 minutes. He will present a timeline with regard to the editor searches.

Action: Cohoon to provide SGB with timeline on Editor searches during SGB Meeting.

7) SIGCUE Issues -

Notkin reported that Jim Hightower, Chair of SIGCUE was scheduled to give a program review but cannot make it to the meeting. The review was postponed from February. Hightower can't find anyone else to give the review. The EC is very concerned about the volunteer development of this SIG. Without Hightower's leadership, there wouldn't be a SIG. Notkin will contact Hightower to discuss the future of SIGCUE. Hightower had mentioned dissolution at the last SGB meeting. If the SIG cannot provide a review the group will be placed in transition.

Action: Notkin will contact Hightower to discuss the future of SIGCUE.

8) SGB EC Member Reports - All EC members may provide a report if they wish to. (5 min)

Johnson reported that there will be a service award proposal coming through from SIGUCCS during the next few weeks.

Chesnais asked the EC to think about their web presence. he has been reviewing the web pages and would like to put as much information as possible up to benefit the SIG leaders. Furuta suggested incorporating more historical data. It was suggested that sensitive information be placed in a secure area requiring a password form an SGB EC or SGB member. Chesnais requested that any other comments be directed to his attention.

Notkin updated the EC on the EATCS proposal from Jeff Vitter. Vitter wants to move ahead with providing access to members of EATCS however, there are costs involved. The issue has been pushed up to John White who has been making agreements with organization outside the US. He is currently putting together the costs of providing the service to members/non-members. It is anticipated that this subject will be discussed during White's digital library update. Once the costs are available Vitter can decide if he wants to move ahead.



  • Jean-Loup Baer
  • Donna Baglio
  • Boots Cassel
  • Alain Chesnais
  • Jim Cohoon
  • Carla Ellis
  • Rick Furuta
  • Doris Lidtke
  • Mark Scott Johnson
  • David Notkin
  • Mary Whitton
  • Mary Lou Soffa