ACM India and iSIGCSE Chapter Education Webinar on 17 July with Jayant Haritsa: "Data Science and Astrology: Is there a Difference?"

July 8, 2021

ACM India, jointly with the iSIGCSE Chapter, organizes the next webinar in the ACM India Education Education Webinar series on another fascinating topic, which brings to the fore the potential dangers of misusing data science and manipulations that might suit preconceived biases and notions. The talk interestingly advocates the view that data science should be used only to corroborate the insights arrived on from technical expertise.

Register now for "Data Science and Astrology: Is there a Difference?", to be presented on Saturday 17 July 2021 at 11 am IST by Jayant Haritsa of the Department of Computational and Data Sciences, Indian institute of Science.

Registrations are limited, so please register early and secure your spot. All educators, academicians, industry professionals and students are welcome to attend the webinar. Feel free to forward this communication to those who would be interested.

Note : You can also stream this webinar on your mobile device, including smartphone and tablet.

Duration : 60 minutes (including audience Q&A)

Abstract: Data science has become the buzzword of choice in recent times, especially in the software industry. The accompanying hoopla has spawned frenetic claims foretelling the development of great and wondrous solutions to all kinds of contemporary local and global challenges. In this talk, we will attempt to provide a more nuanced and balanced view of the area. Specifically, we will make the case that data science is certainly a potent force-multiplier for solving challenging problems, but is equally subject to methodological abuse, leading to grossly erroneous conclusions. Worse, such misuse could also be deliberate to suit preconceived outcomes and biases, concealed under a scientific veneer. In a nutshell, we will advocate the view that data science should be a tool of last resort, not first, and leveraged as a support, not substitute, for domain expertise.

Jayant Haritsa is on the faculty of the Department of Computational and Data Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, since 1993. He received his BTech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (Madras), and MS and PhD degrees from the University of Wisconsin (Madison). He is a Fellow of IEEE, ACM, Indian National Science Academy, Indian Academy of Sciences and Indian National Academy of Engineering. He has won the Distinguished Alumnus award from IIT Madras, and the prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in Engineering Sciences in 2009. He has also received research awards from IBM, Google, Microsoft and HP.

Chitra Babu, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu