ACM India Industry Webinar on Saturday 26 February 2022 at 6pm IST with Gaurav Parchani
February 17, 2022
Register now for the next session of ACM India Industry Webinar series, “Technology for accessible and inclusive healthcare” to be presented on Saturday 26th February 2022 at 6 pm IST by Gaurav Parchani, Co-Founder & CTO of Dozee, India.
After registering, you will see a confirmation page and will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. At times the email may get blocked or go to junk folder, so we recommend copying the joining link from the confirmation page and save it as a calendar entry for 26th February 2022 6pm IST!
The host for this session will be Dr. Rajeev Shorey, UQIDAR, IIT Delhi.
All students, faculty and industry professionals are welcome to attend the webinar. Feel free to forward this communication to those who would be interested.
Healthcare has lagged behind in tech adoption and data revolution. The health system & infra is broken and obsolete. We have 5000 cardiologists for over 5M cardiac patients, a 1:40 nurse to patient ratio against a global standard of 1:4. Linear scaling of this system will not suffice, we'll have to be innovative and use technology to bridge this gap if we have to provide quality and accessible healthcare for each citizen.
60 minutes (including audience Q&A)
Gaurav Parchani is the Co-Founder & CTO of Dozee. He loves solving math problems and creating technology that impacts. His dream is to create an intelligent engine that takes care of the nation's health and put quality healthcare in reach of every individual. Gaurav hails from the first batch of IIT Indore and has been recognised in Forbes India 30 under 30 & Business World 40 under 40. Outside his work hat - he is a foodie, traveller and cooks amazing butter chicken.
Dr. Rajeev Shorey, UQIDAR, IIT Delhi.