Call for Speakers: ACM India Eminent Speaker Program (ESP), due on 21 July 2023

The ACM India Eminent Speaker Program (ESP) provides ACM Student and Professional chapters and institutional partners in India with direct access to top technology leaders, innovators and researchers from India who will give talks on contemporary and engaging issues. Speakers who are part of the ESP Panel will list talks in their area of expertise, and be invited by chapters to give these talks as part of events that they hold. ACM India will help with the match-making and cover the costs for travel while the local chapter will handle accommodation and local logistics. This is modelled on ACM worldwide's Distinguished Speaker Program (DSP), but tailored for the Indian context.

Speakers are included into the ESP Panel through an open call twice a year, and the applications are evaluated by a selection committee. The Call for Speakers for the July 2023 Round is now open and due by July 21, 2023. We invite those who are interested to complete the nomination form and include two letters of support. Speakers who are selected into the ESP Panel will have a 2-year term, which may be renewed.

Some of the factors that the selection committee considers are industry/academic experience, experience with giving talks at diverse fora, relevance and popularity of the topic areas, prior publications/patents/products, awards and professional service, active association with professional bodies, and the letters of support. The committee will also balance inclusivity along various dimensions. The current chair of the selection committee is Prof. Jayant Haritsa (IISc).

Important Dates for July 2023 Round (IST)

  • Nominations Open: July 6, 2023
  • Nominations Close: July 21, 2023
  • Notification of Decision: August 7, 2023
  • Term starts for selected ESP members: 15 Aug, 2023

For more details and the nomination form, see the Call for Speakers page.