Reminder and Deadline Extension: Call for Papers EduHiPC-2023 Workshop
The 5th EduHiPC-2023 workshop will be held in conjunction with HiPC conference ( to be held in Goa, India from December 18th to 21st, 2023. The workshop is scheduled on Monday, December 18, 2023. The workshop is particularly dedicated to bringing together stakeholders from industry, government labs, and academia in the context of HiPC-2023. The EduHiPC-2023 workshop invites unpublished manuscripts from academia, industry, and government laboratories on topics pertaining to needs and approaches for augmenting undergraduate and graduate education in in Computer Science and Engineering, Computational Science, and computational courses for both STEM and business disciplines with PDC and HPC concepts. The full call for paper is attached and is available at
Abstract Submission Deadline: September 22, 2023 (encouraged)
Paper Submission Deadline: September 30, 2023, October 14, 2023
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Pedagogical issues in incorporating PDC and HPC in undergraduate and graduate education, especially in core courses.
- Novel ways of teaching PDC and HPC topics.
- Issues and experiences addressing remote synchronous and asynchronous teaching of PDC/HPC during the gone by pandemic situation and its relevance in current context.
- Data science and big data aspects of teaching HPC/PDC, including early experience with data science degree programs.
- Evidence-based educational practices for teaching HPC/PDC topics that provide evidence about what works best under what circumstances.
Further, there will be a three-week long hands-on EduHiPC Faculty Training Workshop on how to integrate parallel and distributed computing (PDC) in undergraduate CS and CE curriculum in online format. One day in-person meeting of the training workshop will occur on December 17 (a day prior to EduHiPC workshop) at the conference venue. The training is targeted for faculty who teach undergraduate CS/CE classes and do not have expertise in PDC. Prior to this workshop a few online training sessions will be conducted in the preceding weeks. The training will be jointly conducted by Scientists from C-DAC and Faculty experts affiliated with CDER center and IIT Goa. C-DAC India will sponsor registration fee for HiPC conference for 40 participants attending the training workshop. We are trying to arrange Travel stipend to attend the in-person part of the training workshop and EduHiPC workshop participants. Interested faculty are encouraged to apply to participate in the workshop by completing the following application form. .
Further details are available here:
We will highly appreciate it if you kindly distribute this email to your colleagues in your organization and others you know in academia and industry, as you feel appropriate.
Sheikh Ghafoor, Tennessee Tech University, USA, General Co-ChairSushil Prasad, University of Texas San Antonio, USA, General Co-Chair
Ashish Kuvelkar, CDAC, India, Program Co-Chair
Sharad Sinha, IIT Goa, India, Program Co-Chair