ACM Recognizes Outstanding Service to the Field of Computing
June 12, 2024
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, today recognized seven individuals with awards for their exemplary service to the computing field. Selected from ACM’s global membership, the 2023 award recipients were chosen by their peers for initiatives which have exemplified ACM’s mission of “Advancing Computing as a Science and Profession.” The varied contributions of this year’s ACM service award recipients included making computing education more equitable, leading volunteer efforts in the bioinformatics community, leading ACM’s Publications program, modernizing data collection at the US Census Bureau, strengthening the computing community in India, and volunteer leadership with ACM’s special interest group for data management.
Alicia Nicki Washington, Professor, Duke University and Shaundra Daily, Professor, Duke University receive the Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award for their work towards changing the national computing education system to be more equitable and to combat unjust impacts of computing on society. Washington and Daily have had a critical, wide-reaching impact on educating the broader community through a novel course, a popular training program, and a national alliance.
Aidong Zhang, Thomas M. Linville Professor, University of Virginia, receives the ACM Distinguished Service Award for her impactful leadership and lasting service to the broad communities of bioinformatics, computational biology, and data mining.
Jack W. Davidson, Professor, University of Virginia, receives the Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award for leadership in and contributions to ACM’s Publications Program.
John M. Abowd, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, and Chief Scientist, United States Census Bureau (retired), receives the ACM Policy Award for transformative work in modernizing the US Census Bureau’s processing and dissemination of census and survey data, which serves as a model for privacy-aware management of government collected data.
Anand Deshpande, Managing Director, Persistent Systems, and M. Tamer Özsu, Professor, University of Waterloo receive the ACM Presidential Award for long-standing contributions to the broader computing community and to ACM.