CHI 2015, the conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, was hosted by ACM SIGCHI April 18-23 in Seoul, Korea. This marked the first CHI in Asia, and appropriately, the theme of this year’s conference was "Crossings." A total of 2,902 researchers, practitioners, students, and vendors attended the conference, with over 850 attendees coming from Korea. The conference was held at COEX Mall in the Gangnam neighborhood. For many of the conference events, simultaneous translation was available in Korean, Chinese, and Japanese.
CHI’s closing keynote speaker, PSY, known for his YouTube viral video "Gangnam Style," chronicled his rise to success, and how technology and media helped him rise to fame.
Next year’s conference is in San Jose, California, May 7-12, 2016.
See the full CACM blog post by CHI 2015 student volunteer Dan Afergan.
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