Ancillary Files for DL metadata file generation instruction

Ancillary Files

  1. Sponsor/In-coop Acronyms and Codes
  2. Journal Codes: This link provides an up-to-date table of both journal and journal information contained in the ACM database. The information, contained in this particular webpage, will help vendors complete the section of the Journal XML template. Although most of the data in this (dynamically-created) table will not change regularly, please consult this page periodically to ensure that you use current journal codes.
  3. Series listing
  4. Publisher Codes

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Publish in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series

The ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS) provides a mechanism to publish the contents of conferences, technical symposia and workshops and thereby increase their visibility among the international computing community. The goal of this program is to enable conferences and workshops to cost effectively produce print proceedings for their attendees, while also providing maximum dissemination of the material through electronic channels, specifically, the ACM Digital Library.