SIGBED - Embedded Systems
SIGBED is intended to be a focal point within ACM for all aspects of embedded computing systems, including both software and hardware. Embedded systems has come to be recognized as a key discipline, which includes new computer and systems science foundations, new design technology, and new hardware and software frameworks. Members of the SIGBED community serve on the editorial board of ACM's publication, "ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems" and the upcoming "ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks".
SIGBED benefits for FY 2025
Member Benefits provided to SIGBED Members:
- Reduced registration rates at SIGBED-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences.
- Free access to SIGBED content in the ACM Digital Library.
- Emails of important events relevant to the SIGBED community.
- Student travel grants for student members to attend ESWEEK and CPS-IoT Week.
- ACM SIGBED/SIGSOFT Frank Anger Memorial Student Award is given annually to student members to promote interdisciplinary research.
- Voting rights in SIGBED elections.
- Opportunity to serve as a SIGBED Officer.
Community Benefits provided by SIGBED:
- SIGBED website with moderated blogging features.
- Awards: SIGBED Early Career Award, ACM SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award, and various conference Best Paper Awards.
- Conference sponsorship: ESWeek (CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT, NOCS, MEMOCODE) and CPS-IoT Week (HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, RTAS, IoTDI), as well as CHASE, LCTES, and SenSys conferences (in addition to many other workshops).
- Opportunities to serve on the editorial board of ACM's publications “ACM Transactions on Cyber Physical Systems”, "ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems", "ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems", and "ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks".
- Financial support for diversity events at SIGBED-sponsored or co-sponsored conferences, such as social events for women at ESWeek and CPS-IoT Week, N2Women events, etc. (in preparation)
- Travel grants for students to attend the ACM Student Research Competition at SIGBED-sponsored conferences and stand a chance to represent SIGBED in the ACM Grand Finals
- Scholarships for undergraduates to attend SIGBED-sponsored conferences
- SIGBED papers identified as Research Highlights and nominated for CACM Research Highlights.
- Opportunities to serve as a volunteer in support of SIGBED activities.