SIGGRAPH - Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

Pioneer Membership Membership

The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) promotes the generation and dissemination of information on computer graphics and interactive techniques. Everyone is welcome to apply for membership, but most members are researchers, developers, or users from the technical, academic, business, and artistic communities. Membership in ACM SIGGRAPH includes a monthly ACM SIGGRAPH email newsletter, a email address, discounts on conference registrations, and free access to ACM SIGGRAPH publications in the ACM Digital Library.

SIGGRAPH benefits for FY 2023

Member Benefits:

  • Voting rights in ACM SIGGRAPH Elections
  • Registration Discounts for all conferences/workshops/symposia that are in-cooperation, co-sponsored, or sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH
  • Access to all ACM SIGGRAPH content in the ACM Digital Library. This includes SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, and  ACM SIGGRAPH sponsored and co-sponsored events (about ten specialized conferences).
  • Access to the captured content of SIGGRAPH Conferences in the ACM Digital Library
  • Career mentoring
  • Professional web page hosting for members
  • Monthly e-newsletter: Interactions
  • Reception at SIGGRAPH conference for Pioneer members
  • Eurographics membership discount through reciprocal agreement  
  • email alias
  • Job advertisements
  • Student travel awards for sponsored conferences
  • Improved access to educational materials (CGEMS)
  • Special funding opportunities, for example for supporting a special workshops or professional activity.
  • Discounted membership rates for retired members who have been members for the last 10 years and are at least 60 years old
  • English Review Services for conference submissions

Community Benefits provided by ACM SIGGRAPH:

  • Sponsorship or in-cooperation support of the leading conferences in the field
  • Promotional support of in-cooperation, sponsored and co-sponsored conferences via social media and the news section
  • Support for students through Student Volunteer program, Student Chapters and Student Services program
  • Professional and Student Chapters in 50 cities and more than 20 countries, promoting Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
  • Resource-rich website for Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques community
  • Selected courses available via SIGGRAPH University
  • Online digital art exhibitions curated by the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee
  • Open access to the past year's conference content from SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, and ACM SIGGRAPH sponsored small conferences
  • ACM SIGGRAPH Education Index, a comprehensive online interactive database of academic programs that offer computer graphics, digital arts, interactive media and games curricula.
  • Awards program that includes Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement n Digital Art, Steven Anson Coon Award, Computer Graphics Achievement Award, Significant New Researcher Award, Outstanding Service Award, Outstanding Doctoral Disseration Award, Educator's Award, Practioner Award, Membership in SIGGRAPH Academy
  • Social networking community through LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo, Flickr, Reddit and YouTube  
  • Calendar of International Computer Graphics events
  • Graphics-worldwide email list for announcements of positions, conferences, special events,  and other events
  • CGEMS, an online refereed repository for instructional materials related to Computer Graphics, Digital Arts and Media
  • Access to industry news coverage on the website
  • Support for ACM-W scholarship recipients attending SIGGRAPH conference, including mentorship and complimentary registration
  • Electronic versions of past Interactions newsletters