SIGMICRO - Special Interest Group on Microarchitecture
The ACM Special Interest Group on Microarchitectural Research & Processing specializes in computer microarchitecture, especially features permitting instruction-level parallelism and their related implications on compiler design. Members include microarchitects, microprogrammers, advanced compiler designers, and researchers/developers of super-scalar, pipelined, and MIMD computer architecture. For more than 35 years, the annual MICRO conference has been a key forum for presenting major breakthroughs in computing architecture. SIGMICRO also sponsors other distinguished conferences, namely, CGO (Code Generation and Optimization), CASES (Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems), and CF (Computing Frontiers). SIGMICRO has recently initiated an online newsletter, that not only allows timely publication of high quality refereed articles, but also features virtual lectures (or e-Seminars) by the authors, that can be attended all over the world, with an opportunity to ask technical questions during the live presentation.
SIGMICRO benefits for FY 2025
Member Benefits:
- Access to all SIGMICRO content in the ACM Digital Library
- Registration discount to SIGMICRO-sponsored conferences
- SIGMICRO membership included for certain attendees of main sponsored conferences (like MICRO, CGO), especially students, as budget allows.
Community Benefits:
- SIGMICRO Early Career Award
- SIGMICRO Outstanding Dissertation Award
- SIGMICRO Distinguished Service Award
- SIGMICRO online newsletter
- Student travel grants to SIGMICRO sponsored conferences
- Hardship grants to attend selected SIGMICRO-sponsored conferences
- Sponsorship of Career Workshop for Women and Minorities in Computer Architecture (CWIDCA) at MICRO
- Initiatives targeted towards undergraduate/high school students - Hackathons, mentorship programs, design competitions etc.
- Outstanding thesis/project awards
- Involving industry members/partners in terms of providing equipment, judging and mentoring activities
- Help with arranging and sponsoring invited talks, workshops, guest lectures, outreach activities at teaching universities, minority institutions and other smaller educational institutions.
- Support for SIGMICRO CARES
- Support for CASA (Computer Architecture Student Association)
- Sponsorship of MICRO conference jointly with IEEE
- Sponsorship of CGO conference jointly with IEEE
- Sponsorship of ESWEEK, Computing Frontiers, and NocArc
- Organization of SIGMICRO Test of Time awards given at MICRO
- Sponsorship of MICRO Hall of Fame Awards
- Handling of nominations to CACM Research Highlights from sponsored conferences