SIGMM - Special Interest Group on Multimedia Systems
The ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia provides a forum for researchers, engineers, and practitioners in all aspects of multimedia computing, communication, storage, and applications. SIGMM sponsors the ACM Multimedia Conference series and ad hoc workshops on emerging areas of multimedia. In addition, SIGMM supports the upcoming "ACM Transactions on Multimedia, Applications, and Computing" (TOMCCAP, early 2005) and the SIGMM Website which contains forums and other relevant material. All SIGMM publications are available through the ACM Digital Library. SIGMM members receive a copy of the ACM Multimedia Conference proceedings on CD and a significant discount on registration fees for SIGMM sponsored events.
SIGMM benefits for FY 2025
Member Benefits:
- Subscription to quarterly SIGMM e-newsletter (SIGMM Records), stored and searchable in ACM DL, issued quarterly (containing headline news from SIGMM members, job opportunities, standards, top papers list, funding opportunities, project highlights, PhD theses abstracts)
- Subscription to moderated SIGMM mailing list containing information about:
- SIGMM sponsored or in-cooperation conferences and workshops
- Positions (industry, postdocs, graduate students, faculty) in the area of multimedia
- Awards, nominations, news
- Discounted registration fee for SIGMM members at fully sponsored SIGMM conferences (MM, MM Asia, ICMR, MMSys, IMX and IH&MMSec)
- Access to SIGMM-related content in ACM Digital Library
- Access to apply to a SIGMM fund for small projects to enhance quality, support young researchers or address weaknesses in SIGMM
- Access to apply to SIGMM Conference Ambassador program, offering subsidized travel and participation at a non-SIGMM conference and bringing back a best paper from that conference to the ACM MULTIMEDIA conference
- Access to apply to the SIGMM centralized student travel fund at SIGMM sponsored conferences and other events
- Access to diversity and inclusion initiatives sponsored by SIGMM at SIGMM conferences including lunches, childcare support and travelling support for companion assistance
Community Benefits:
- Full Sponsorship and organization of the ACM MULTIMEDIA Conference, Tutorials, and several ACM Multimedia-Collocated Workshops
- Passport registration fee for the ACM MULTIMEDIA Conference which includes access to all paper/demo sessions, open-source software track, grand challenges, tutorials, art exhibition, workshops and social networking, including reception and banquet
- Full Sponsorship and Organization of the ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys) Conference, and several co-located workshops (NOSSDAV, MoVid, and MMVE)
- Full Sponsorship and Organization of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) Conference
- Full Sponsorship and Organization of the ACM MHV Conference
- Full Sponsorship and Organization of the ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec)
- Sponsorship and Organization of the ACM MULTIMEDIA Asia Conference
- Financial Support of SIGMM China and SIGMM Bay Area Chapters
- SIGMM Technical Achievement Award given annually at the ACM MULTIMEDIA conference
- SIGMM Rising Star Award given annually at the ACM MULTIMEDIA conference
- Best SIGMM PhD Thesis Award given annually at the ACM MULTIMEDIA conference
- Best Paper, Best Student Paper Awards, Best Demonstration, Best Open Source Software, Grand Challenge Prize Awards, Best Art Exhibit at the ACM MULTIMEDIA conference.
- Co-sponsorship of several SIGMM-relevant conferences and workshops including IMX, AcademicMindtrek, CBMI, WebMedia.
- Most of the SIGMM Website available as a resource to the whole multimedia community.
- Access to ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications Journal (TOMM) with Digital Library Subscription
- Nicolas Georganas Best Paper Award given to TOMM article
- Best associate editor award for TOMM editorial board given annually at the ACM MULTIMEDIA conference
- Organization of Emerging Leaders Symposium at ACM MULTIMEDIA Conference
- Nominations for Communications of the ACM Research Highlights