SIGSOFT - Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Online Membership

The ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering seeks to improve our ability to engineer software by stimulating interaction among practitioners, researchers, and educators; by fostering the professional development of software engineers; and by representing software engineers to professional, legal, and political entities.

SIGSOFT benefits for FY 2023

Member Benefits:

  • Subscription to the SIGSOFT Newsletter, Software Engineering Notes (SEN), in electronic format all members. SEN is published at least 4 times a year. Contents include articles, reports, and regular columns.
  • Web access to the SIGSOFT portion of the ACM Digital Library, including articles from all SIGSOFT sponsored and co-sponsored conferences (e.g., ICSE, ESEC/FSE, and ISSTA).
  • Discounted registration at conferences, workshops, and other events sponsored, co-sponsored and in cooperation with SIGSOFT.
  • Discounted membership rates (i.e., same as student membership rates) for retired members who have been members for the last 10 years and are at least 60 years old.
  • Travel Support and Childcare Assistance at Conferences (CAPS) for student members and members to reduce the cost of attending SIGSOFT-sponsored conferences.
  • Notification of relevant information through the SIGSOFT electronic member mailing list.
  • Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) are available as a Member Plus package.

Community Benefits:

  • Networking and leadership opportunities through participation in SIGSOFT events.
  • Access to SIGSOFT’s regular Webinar series, presenting the cutting-edge work of leading software engineering researchers and practitioners.
  • Opportunities to serve as a volunteer in various capacities in relation to SIGSOFT activities.
  • Honoring distinguished individuals through the several awards: Outstanding Research Award, Distinguished Service Award, Influential Educator Award, Early Career Researcher Award, Impact Paper Awards, Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award.
  • Most Influential Paper Awards at ICSE, ESEC/FSE, and ISSTA.
  • Distinguished Paper Awards are given to a small number of papers accepted at SIGSOFT-sponsored conferences. 
  • ACM SIGBED/SIGSOFT Frank Anger Memorial Student Travel Award given annually to student members to promote interdisciplinary research.
  • Professional development of software engineers through participation in the Computing Curriculum for Software Engineering Steering Committee.
  • Software engineering history initiatives and resources, including several pages on the ACM History Wiki and representation on the ACM History Committee.
  • The SIGSOFT Web site,
  • The SEWORLD Mailing List. 
  • The SEN Web site, which includes additional content.
  • SIGSOFT presence on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
  • The SIGSOFT Blog