Register for the Webinar: "Ethical Quandaries in AI-ML: Facing the Tough Questions," December 14
December 7, 2023
Register for the webinar, “Ethical Quandaries in AI-ML: Facing the Tough Questions,” December 14, 2023, 1:00 pm EST.
This talk is a follow-up to the April 19, 2023Confronting Ethical Challenges in a High-Tech World," sponsored by the ACM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Computing Education Task Force (DEI-CE). Sahami and a panel of AI-ML experts from industry and academia—Tulsee Doshi, Susan Epstein, and Kush Varshney—will explore some of the ethical questions raised in that session, including: the role of human values in AI algorithms; bias in AI-ML and the impact of diverse teams in reducing bias; data privacy; the implications of Generative AI on intellectual property, plagiarism, and misinformation; the possibility of government legislation; and the role of industry in developing standards in AI-ML. The talk will be moderated by Fay Cobb Payton and Susan Reiser of the DEI-CE.
webinar with Mehran Sahami of Stanford University, "NOTE: New procedure requires registrants to log in with their ACM Accounts and help ACM gather some demographic information before
accessing the registration link.