Benefits and Resources for Free Student Members
Keep Current
Communications of the ACM
ACM's monthly flagship magazine for the computing and information technology fields featuring News, Viewpoints, Practice, Careers, Review Articles, Contributed Articles, Research Highlights, and much more.

XRDS: The ACM Magazine for Students
A quarterly magazine produced by students for students covering cutting-edge research that stimulates, informs, and educates future computer scientists.

ACM Queue
ACM's bi-monthly magazine for practicing software engineers, ACM Queue is written by engineers for engineers, and focuses on the technical problems and challenges that loom ahead.

Sharpen Skills
ACM Learning Center
Resources for lifelong learning – stay informed and competitive in our constantly changing world with online books and courses, tasked-based videos, and Learning Webinars featuring well-known speakers addressing the hottest topics in computing today.

Online Courses from Skillsoft
Access to online courses, eBooks and thousands of short, task-based videos from Skillsoft Percipio on today's most sought after skills and certifications, designed to provide on-the-job support and daily problem solving for both end users and IT professionals.

ACM TechTalks
ACM's popular webinar series featuring expert industry professionals, distinguished ACM award laureates, and visionary researchers from industry and academia. Focused on keeping our global audience of busy practitioners at the forefront of technical trends, professional development, and emerging technologies.

Learn from the Experts
ACM TechTalks
ACM's popular webinar series featuring expert industry professionals, distinguished ACM award laureates, and visionary researchers from industry and academia. Focused on keeping our global audience of busy practitioners at the forefront of technical trends, professional development, and emerging technologies.

ACM ByteCast
ACM ByteCast is a podcast series from ACM’s Practitioner Board in which hosts Rashmi Mohan and Jessica Bell interview researchers, practitioners, and innovators who are at the intersection of computing research and practice. In each monthly episode, guests will share their experiences, the lessons they’ve learned, and their own visions for the future of computing.

ACM-W Celebrating Technology Leaders Webinar Series
By highlighting successful technical women who are leading diverse careers in the technology industry, ACM-W’s new webinar series, “Celebrating Technology Leaders,” aims to inform students and early-career professionals about the multitude of career options open to them.

Research and Meet with Peers
Digital Library
Members can subscribe to the world’s most comprehensive database of literature at a discounted rate. Browse and search with full-text access to ACM journals, conference proceedings, magazines and newsletters, and search other publishers’ bibliographic resources.

ACM Journals, Transactions and Magazines cover cutting-edge aspects of computing, with articles written and edited by leading experts in their respective fields. The world-renowned Transactions Series features many of the most respected peer-reviewed authors in computer science. Magazines cover different aspects of computing with opinions, forums, podcasts, and more. ACM members receive discounted subscription rates.

Conference Discounts
Discounts for Special Interest Group (SIG) Conference registration fees plus access to more than 170 international conferences, symposia, and workshops.

Special Interest Groups
ACM’s 37 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) represent virtually every major area of computing. SIGs offer a wealth of resources including conferences, proceedings and newsletters covering a broad spectrum of technical expertise and providing firsthand knowledge of the latest development trends. ACM SIGs are a great way to meet peers, delve deeper into particular technical areas, and volunteer on interesting projects.

Local Chapters
Professional chapters worldwide function as intellectual and geographical nodes of activity for both ACM members and the computing community at large, offering seminars, lectures, and the opportunity to meet peers and experts.

ACM Local Meetups
ACM Meetups are informal groups that meet regularly to discuss diverse topics in computer science. Meeting topics are varied and range from tutorials on basic concepts and their applications, to success stories from local practitioners and academic students, to discussions of tools, new technologies, and best practices. All are welcome to attend, to meet others, and to present their work.

Stay Informed
ACM TechNews
ACM TechNews provides timely information for IT professionals three times a week, aggregating the latest news on computer science, information technology, and related science, society, and technology.

ACM CareerNews
ACM CareerNews provides twice monthly summaries of articles on career-related topics of interest to students and professionals in the computing field.

Career & Job Center
View listings of top technology jobs, post resumes, and much more in this exclusive members-only resource.

Additional ACM Member Resources
TechNewsTri-weekly e-digest delivering the latest IT news. |
ACM BulletinsE-notifications of ACM news and initiatives. |
UbiquityOpinion magazine and forum. |
MemberNetQuarterly e-newsletter on ACM people and activities. |
CareerNewsTwice-monthly e-digest on career-related topics. |
Discounts & Special OffersOn insurance, software, hardware, publications, training courses, and more. |
Table-of-Contents AlertsFor ACM journals, magazines, proceedings or SIG newsletters. |
Email ForwardingFree address with spam and virus filtering. |