Discounted Membership Dues for Joint Society Members
Thanks to reciprocal agreements with numerous computing societies and organizations, members of the societies below are eligible for a discounted ACM Professional Membership rate of $79 (USD), or 20% off the regular dues rate.
ACM Professional Members enjoy these exclusive benefits:
- Print and online subscriptions to Communications of the ACM
- Optional ACM Skills Bundle Add-On – Unlimited access to ACM's collection of thousands of online books, courses, and training videos from O'Reilly, Skillsoft Percipio, and Pluralsight on the latest technologies and most in-demand job skills, and popular vendor certifications
- Optional subscription to the ACM Digital Library, with full-text articles from all ACM publications and bibliographic data from the major publishers in computing
- Discounts on registration to more than 170 ACM Special Interest Group Conferences
- Optional subscriptions to ACM's more than 60 journals and magazines at special member-only rates
- The opportunity to join ACM local Chapters and Meetups world-wide – meet other computing professionals and attend seminars and lectures by experts in the field
- Email Forwarding Address & Filtering Service providing members with a free email address and spam filtering
- ACM's Member Recognition Program acknowledging accomplishments of members
For a full list of benefits, please check the ACM Membership Benefits page.
If you are a member of one of the societies below, you can take advantage of ACM’s joint member society dues discount during the online join process. There is a “Dues Discount” button you can use to select your society to get the appropriate discount. The “Dues Discount” button appears on the second page of online join form. If you are already a member of ACM, and you are renewing, please click on the “Dues Discounts" button on your online renewal. Only one dues discount is applicable. If you have any questions, please contact ACM’s Member Services Department, +1.800.342.6626 (U.S./Canada), +1.212.626.0500 (Global), Fax: +1.212.944.1318 (Global).
- Argentina - Sociedad Argentina de Informática (SADIO)
- Australia - Australian Computer Society (ACS)
- Austria - Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG)
- Belgium - Belgisch Instituut voor Regeltechniek en Automatisering - Institut Belge de Regulation et Automatisme (BIRA/IBRA)
- Canada - Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS)
- Chile - Sociedad Chilena de Ciencia de la Computación (SCCC)
- Czech Republic - Česká společnost pro kybernetiku a informatiku (CSKI)
- France - Société lnformatique de France (SIF)
- Germany - Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
- Hong Kong - Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS)
- Ireland - Irish Computer Society (ICS)
- Italy - Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico (AICA)
- Japan - Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
- Korea - Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE)
- New Zealand - IT Professionals NZ (ITP, formerly NZCS)
- Norway - Den Norske Dataforening (DND)
- Shanghai - Shanghai Computer Society (SCS)
- Singapore - Singapore Computer Society (SCS)
- South Africa - Institute of Information for Technology Professionals South Africa (IITPSA)
- Spain - Asociación de Técnicos de Informática (ATI)
- Spain - Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Technologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES)
- Sweden - Dataföreningen i Sverige (DFS)
- Switzerland - Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI)
- Taiwan - Institute of Information & Computing Machinery (IICM)
- United Kingdom - British Computer Society (BCS) - Please use code AFCS20.
- Zimbabwe - Computer Society of Zimbabwe (CSZ)
Members of the IEEE Computer Society can join ACM for $89 (USD), a 10% savings.
ACM Skills Bundle Add-On
ACM has created a new Skills Bundle add-on providing unlimited access to ACM's collection of thousands of online books, courses, and training videos from O'Reilly, Skillsoft Percipio, and Pluralsight. ACM’s collection includes more than 60,000 online books and video courses from O’Reilly, 9,700 online courses and 11,000 eBooks and audiobooks from Skillsoft, and 2,000 courses from Pluralsight.
The new Skills Bundle add-on is available to paid Professional Members only. Visit the ACM subscription page or contact Member Services to add the Skills Bundle to your membership.

Customer Service FAQs
Do you have questions about your member benefits, how to update your contact information, how to renew your membership, or claim missing issues? If so, visit ACM’s Customer Service FAQs for answers to these questions and more.

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