SIGITE - Special Interest Group on Information Technology Education
SIGITE's mission is to provide a forum for the interaction of practitioners, educators, and others in the field of Information Technology Education to exchange ideas and engage in activities that advance the knowledge of its members, the curriculum and teaching on Information Technology Curriculum, and the development and transfer of innovative concepts and applications in technology and pedagogy. We currently have a focused effort on the development of a model curriculum and guidelines for accreditation. Educators from two and four year universities and colleges as well as high school teachers are welcome and would benefit from our activities. We also feel practitioners in the field would benefit from some of our technical tracks and offer valuable input for content for future employees.
SIGITE benefits for FY 2023
Member Benefits:
- Opportunity to serve on committees related to various SIGITE initiatives, including but not limited to:
- K-12 Outreach Initiatives
- Conference Planning Committee
- IT Education
- Growing SIGITE.
- Subscription to the bi-annual “SIGITE Newsletter”
- Access to SIGITE community listservs for those interested in an ongoing discussion of IT education and research.
- Reduced registration at the annual SIGITE conference.
- Support for attendance at the SIGITE conference for student members.
- Some financial support for research into topics relating to information technology education.
Community Benefits
- Access to SIGITE Website.
- Community recognition, including, but not limited to, Best SIGITE Conference Paper awards.
- Contributions to major curriculum task forces.
- Resources regarding information technology education.