Glossary of Printing
Art: All copy used in preparing a printed piece
Bleed: Enlargement of the borders of an illustration so that after printing and trimming to size, the desired margins will be flush with the edge of the sheet or page
Blueline: This is a proof that shows exact color breaks in varying shades of blue on white paper
Break for Color: To separate parts to be printed in different colors
Camera Ready: Copy and/or art ready to be photographed
Color Correction: Adjustments of color values in the reproduction process used to ensure a correct image
Color Keys: Off-press overlay proofs using 3M materials
Color Separation: The conversion of a color photograph or drawing into its component spec tral colors: cyan, yellow, magenta and black (CYMK), with one screened negative produced per color
Contact Screen: A screen that photographically produces a dot pattern on films and plates to create halftone negatives
Continuous Tone: A photograph containing gradient tones from black to white
Copy: All text, photographs and other visuals used in a printed piece
Cromalin: Brand name of DuPont materials used to make off-press color proofs
Crop: To trim portions of a photograph or other visual element
Cyan: A shade of blue ink used in four-coloring printing
Desktop Publishing (DTP): The use of a PC in the creation of fully composed pages, com prised of text and graphics, using off-the -shelf application software that outputs to a laser printer (or other output device) which is typically driven by PostScript (a device-independent page description language).
Dot: Halftones are composed of dots
Drop-out: Parts of originals that will not produce
Dummy: Preliminary layout showing positions of text and illustrations
Film Negative: A photographic negative which reverses light and dark areas
Folio: The page number
Fonts: A complete set of characters in a single typeface. The character set for Times Roman, Times Italic and Times Bold Italic are each different "fonts", comprising a "type family"
Font Size: The size of a font, measured in points, from the lowest descender to the highest ascender
Gathering: The assembling of folded signatures in proper sequence
Galley Proof: A proof of text copy before it is made into pages
Gutter: The blank space from the printing area to the binding. Also known as inner margin
Halftone: The reproduction of continuous-tone photographs by a mechanical or electronic process that converts the image into dots of various sizes
Imposition: The positioning of pages for large press sheets so that when cutting and fold ing is complete the images will be in the correct sequence
Insert: A printed piece that is inserted into a newspaper, magazine or other printed piece
Keyline: An outline drawing that shows the size and position of illustrations and half-tone images
Layout: The placement of elements, such as text and graphics, on a page
Light Table/Box: Table or box with a glass surface that is illuminated from below, used for making transparencies, stripping, retouching or viewing photographic work
Line Copy: Copy that can be reproduced without a halftone screen
Magenta: A red ink used in four-color printing
Mechanical: Camera-ready copy art
Mock-up: A rough representation of a printed piece or design indicating size, color, typestyle and other graphic elements
Moire: The crisscross pattern that appears on color illustrations that are not correctly separated
Off Press Proof: Photomechanical or digitally produced proofs that cost less and take less time than regular press proofs
Overlay: A transparency used to indicate color breaks, instructions and corrections
Overlay Proof: An off-press color proof
Outsert: Any additional printed piece included in a polybag and mailed with the host publication
Pagination: Numbering the pages of a book, newspaper or periodical
Pantone Matching System: The trade mark name for a system of color matching in materials like inks, papers and markers
Paste-Up: See mechanical
Perfect Binding: Books that are bound by glue rather than having pages that are sewn in or stapled
Photo Mechanical Transfer: Mechanically produced photoprints taken from originals to use in paste-ups and presentations
PMS: See Pantone Matching System
PMT: Photomechanical transfer
Position Proof: Color proof used by printer to check position, layout and/or color breakouts
Process Colors: The four colors of printing inks: cyan, magenta, yellow and black
Proof: An impression made from an inked plate, stone, screen, block, or type made to check the accuracy of the piece about to be produced
Register: To put two or more pages in exact alignment
Register Marks: Crosses drawn on original copy before photography to indicate color registration and/or negative positioning
Rubylith: A brand name for sheets of colored membrane on acetate that can be cut to shape to mask irregular areas of artboards
Saddle Stitch/Wire: A method of assembling brochures in which the pages are opened over a saddle-shaped support and stitched through the back
Signature: In printing and binding, the name given to a printed sheet after it's been folded
Stock: The paper to be printed on
Stripping: Assembling two or more photographic images to produce a composite
Tint: Various even tone areas (strengthens/percentages) of a solid color
Tissue Overlay: Thin transparent paper placed over artwork to indicate color breaks and corrections
Trim Marks: Marks that indicate the edge of the page
Velox: A print made from a screen negative
-Up: two-up, three-up, etc. denotes that a piece is being printed on a larger size sheet in order to take advantage of a full press
SIG Editors Manual
Updated November 1993
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