SIG Governing Board Motions - FY'05

Motion: The SGB thanks the SIGACCESS EC for their efforts in moving the SIG toward viability. The SGB remains concerned about their budget and suggest that the SIG Leaders make the newsletter available electronically rather than print. SIGACCESS will remain in transition and provide the SGB with an update before the SGB meeting in March'05.

Motion made by SGB EC and passed with 1 abstention by the SGB

Motion: The SGB congratulates the SIGBED EC for their efforts this past year and moves the SIG out of transition and into permanent status. SIGBED will be required to hold an election in Spring'05. SIGBED will be scheduled for their first viability review in Sept'06.

Motion made by SGB EC and passed unanimously by the SGB

Motion: The SGB thanks Mark Pendergast and the SIGGROUP leadership for their efforts to revitalize SIGGROUP, and the Group conference leaders for organizing a successful conference, but feels that SIGGROUP is no longer a viable SIG. Accordingly, the SGB decharters the SIG, and directs the SGB EC to work out the details of informing the SIGGROUP membership, giving them membership alternatives, fulfilling any remaining membership commitments, distributing the SIG's assets, and helping SIGGROUP's conferences find a home in other SIGs (e.g., SIGCHI and SIGWEB).

Walker, Chesnais
Passed (26,0,2)

Motion: The SGB thanks the SIGITE EC for their efforts this past year and moves the SIG out of transition and into permanent status. SIGITE will be required to hold an election in Spring'05. SIGITE will be scheduled for their first viability review in Sept'06.

Motion made by SGB EC and passed unanimously

Motion: The SGB is very concerned about SIGMOBILE's financial situation, absence from SGB meetings and lack of annual report submissions. SIGMOBILE will continue their permanent status for the next year and will be required to have a viability review in September'05.

Motion made by SGB EC
Passed (27,0, 1)

Motion: The SGB finds SIGART viable and will continue its status for the next 4 years.

Motion made by SGB EC and passed unanimously by the SGB

Motion: The SGB is very concerned about SIGecom's financial situation. SIGecom will continue their permanent status for the next 2 years and will be required to have a viability review in September'06. The SGB requests an update be given to the SGB EC at the Sept'05 meeting following the Ecom'05 conference.

Motion made by SGB EC
Passed (22,1,0)

Motion: The SGB is very concerned that SIGKDD has not participated in SGB meetings. SIGKDD will continue their permanent status for the next 4 years but is expected to attend SGB meetings. A program review will be scheduled earlier if attendance remains an issue.

Motion made by SGB EC and passed unanimously by the SGB

Motion: The SGB finds SIGMOD viable and will continue its status for the next 4 years.

Motion made by SGB EC and passed unanimously by the SGB

Motion: Modify the DL revenue distribution mechanism by adding the phrase: No SIG will receive less than $10,000 in DL revenue.

Motion proposed by the SGB EC and passed by the SGB.

Motion: The SGB thanks the SIGACCESS EC for the steps they have taken to move the SIG out of transition. The SGB applauds their fiscal responsibility and moves the SIG out of transition and into permanent status for the next 2 years.

Motion proposed by the SGB EC and unanimously passed by the SGB.

Motion: The SGB finds SIGMICRO viable and will continue its status for the next 4 years.

Motion proposed by the SGB EC and unanimously passed by the SGB.

Motion: The SGB finds SIGMM viable and will continue its status for the next 4 years.

Motion proposed by the SGB EC and unanimously passed by the SGB.

Motion: The SGB finds SIGSAC viable and will continue its status for the next 4 years.

Motion proposed by the SGB EC and unanimously passed by the SGB.

Motion: The SGB is concerned about SIGSAM's financial situation. The SGB suggests that the leadership consider making the newsletter available electronically rather than in print. SIGSAM will continue their permanent status for the next 2 years and will be required to have a viability review in March'07. The SGB requests a written update be given to the SGB EC in March'06.

Motion proposed by the SGB EC and passed by the SGB.

Motion: The SGB finds SIGSIM viable and will continue its status for the next 4 years.

Motion proposed by the SGB EC and unanimously passed by the SGB.

Motion: The SGB finds SIGSOFT viable and will continue its status for the next 4 years.

Motion proposed by the SGB EC and unanimously passed by the SGB.

Motion: The SGB allocates $100K per year, from DL revenue, to support the CSTA. The first year for such support Is FY'06.

The SGB funding shall be annually renewable, for a period of 3 years.

CSTA shall report to the SGB annually on its activities and finances, after which the SGB at its fall meeting shall vote on renewal.

The SGB strongly urges CSTA to address its concerns about the focus on US education only and the perceived focus on training computer scientists vs. CS training for a more general audience.

Motion proposed by the SGB EC and passed by the SGB

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