Populating the Computing Portal

Richard Snodgrass
October 1, 1999

The Vision

The ACM Computing Portal

A web-based repository of bibliographic information

  • contains information on all papers and books in the computing literature

  • contains a pointer to the digitized version, if available

SGB Portal Committee 

  • Rick Snodgrass (University of Arizona, CS), chair

  • Steve Cunningham (Cal State University-Stanislaus, CS)

  • Carol Hutchins (Courant Institute of Math. Sci. Library)

  • Bob Krovetz (NEC Research Institute)

  • Michael Ley (University of Trier, CS)

  • Andreas Paepcke (Stanford University)

  • Kathy Preas (KP Pubs on CDROM)

  • Bernie Rous (ACM Publications)

  • Charles Viles (Univ. of North Carolina, Info and Lib Sci)



Populating the ACM DL

  • Journals

  • Magazines

  • Conference Proceedings

  • SIG Newsletters

Future Portal Needs

Computing Portal Management Board

ACM HQ Commitments

  • Donate entries from ACM Guide to Computing Literature.

  • Negotiate cross-use agreements with associated societies.

  • Acquire full text of books copyrighted by ACM.

  • Fund acquisition of ACM journals.

  • Help fund hardware and software to host the Portal.

  • Help fund staff to manage Portal.

Individual SIG Commitments

  • Propose that each SIG be responsible for ensuring correctness of SIG-relevant bibliographic entries, abstracts, and keywords.

  • Negotiate with steering committees of associated conferences and workshops.

  • Allocate funds to populate the ACM DL: conference and workshop proceedings, SIG newsletters.

  • Roughly $400K total, or $5K-20K per SIG

SGB Opportunity Fund

Use opportunity fund to subsidize content development in areas associated with low-fund SIGs.

Use opportunity fund to subsidize infrastructure.

  • software acquisition and development/customization

  • hardware

  • support staff

SIGDA matching funds: $50K

Populating the ACM DL: Journals

  • Total: $130K

  • To be paid by ACM General Fund.

  • Access by journal e-subscription or DL subscription or institutional subscription.

  • Use in SIG-specific CDRoms on a case-by-case basis.

Populating the ACM DL:Magazines

  • All the following were started after 1990.

  • Crossroads: The International ACM Student Magazine

  • Intelligence: New Visions of AI in Practice

  • Interactions: New Visions of Human-Computer Interaction

  • netWorker: The Craft of Network Computing

  • StandardView

Populating the ACM DL: Conference Proceedings

See handout for details on 1985-1990




1940-1984: approximately 200K pages

  • need to collect information to decide on allocation

  • SIGs should pay for this

Access to all proceedings decided by relevant SIG(s): subscribers, SIG members, world readable

Populating the ACM DL: SIG Newsletters

  • Initial Estimate: 120K pages

  • Will come back to the SIGs with more reliable figures.

  • SIGs should pay all costs of digitization.


For journals 1940-1990: $128K

  • paid by ACM General Fund

  • material available to subscribers

For conferences 1985-1990: $82K

  • paid by individual SIGs total: $71K

  • paid by SGB: $11K

  • access decided by relevant SIG(s)

Time Scale: funding allotted and scanning started by December, 1999

Future Needs

For conferences pre-1985: roughly $200K

  • to be paid by SIGs (access determined by SIGs)

For SIG newsletters: roughly $120K

  • to be paid by SIGs (access determined by SIGs)


  • to be paid by SGB, in a future proposal

Portal maintenance

  • Maintenance of the database

  • Support hardware and software infrastructure

  • Future new search and presentation facilities

  • to be cost-shared between SGB and General Fund


  • The SGB recommends that each financially viable SIG (with a fund balance over the required balance) cover, out of its fund balance, the cost (see backup 5.0 for estimate) of producing PDF versions of the 1985-1990 conference proceedings relevant to its domain, with the resulting material added to the Digital Library.
  • SGB funds cover the cost (up to $15K) of producing PDF versions of 1985-1990 conference proceedings relevant to the domain of defunct and financially non-viable SIGs, with the resulting material added to the Digital Library.


SGB Portal Committee

  • continue with broad strategic and tactical decisions

Propose a new Portal Management Board

  • Each SIG would have a member

  • Communicate via email

  • Tasks

Ensure that the ACM DL was fully populated

  • e.g., allocate publications to SIGs, locate proceedings

  • Define the scope of the Portal

  • Identify existing SIG-specific resources

Portal Management Board

Populating the Board

  • Initially, the Chair of each SIG would be a member, until and unless the Chair appointed someone else.

  • Possible titles for this person:

  • SIGX Portal Chair

  • SIGX Portal Editor

  • SIGX Portal Management Board Representative

Board would choose its chair, who would also become a member of the SGB Portal Committee.

  • Rick Snodgrass would serve as interim chair.


  • The SGB creates a Portal Management Board according to the proposal in Backup 5.0.







ACM Case Studies

Written by leading domain experts for software engineers, ACM Case Studies provide an in-depth look at how software teams overcome specific challenges by implementing new technologies, adopting new practices, or a combination of both. Often through first-hand accounts, these pieces explore what the challenges were, the tools and techniques that were used to combat them, and the solution that was achieved.

Lifelong Learning

ACM offers lifelong learning resources including online books and courses from Skillsoft, TechTalks on the hottest topics in computing and IT, and more.
