Outstanding Website Winner
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana ACM Student Chapter
Address: Engineering Faculty. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia.
Our People - Chapter officers and Sponsor
Nicolás Sequera Chair |
Daniel Serrano Vice-Chair |
Alfredo Santamaría Secretary, Advertising Leader, Programming contests coach |
Daniel Rico Treasurer, Community Manager and Ex-chair |
Fabio Avellaneda Sponsor and Web-Master |
Mariana Rios Adviser |
Juan Pablo Rodríguez Adviser |
Our University and Our Chapter
The Javeriana ACM Student Chapter is a team that wants to transcend in time with their contributions to humanity. Everyone has a choice between observing how changes occur and tolerate situations that make us uncomfortable, or changing reality, being the drivers of global transformation and becoming creators of the future without leaving behind the values that allow us to grow as human beings.
Our group is based on the second choice, which is the reason for our existence and the reason that drives us to be one of the most active and dynamic student groups of our university and our country, with new and creative activities and events of great academic and personal contribution to its participants and recognized by the community.
Our team consists of students, graduates and faculty members from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, one of the most important educational institutions of our country. We have had four Google Student Ambassadors, two Google Interns, one worker at Microsoft and two members that are going to work as full time employees in Microsoft, among many members with academic distinctions and scholarships.
In this way, and taking into account the context of our environment and the capabilities of our members, we offer different kinds of experiences to the community such as academic workshops and social activities. Through those activities, and using the tools provided by ACM, we improve the University students’ learning mechanisms and strengthen the level of interest they have for their academic and professional activities.
Our Chapter stands out as an active and dynamic student group with reputation and ideologies that demand constant monitoring and evaluation on the officers’ behalf. Based on the knowledge acquired from our activities, new experiences are proposed and created, always aligned with our Chapter’s seal and the context in which we operate. Due to the extraordinary ability of our team members and the University’s support, we have become into a valuable group of people when it comes to planning, organizing, directing and controlling activities. Currently, faculty members and directives ask us for help in organizing and participating in activities that require judgment, experience, responsibility and proactivity.
Our goal is to be the focus point of the University’s Systems Engineering community and the Number one Chapter in the world, recognized as the benchmark in terms of events, conferences, publications and project.
Outstanding Chapter Website
The web page of the Javeriana ACM Student Chapter is split into three main cores: Student Chapter home page, the Competitive Programming Network home page and the forums for the Competitive Programming Network. Each one of these cores has a specific goal, while the union of the three leads towards the chapter’s goal as a whole: to bring computer science to more places in the world.
The student chapter’s home page is a place where any person can have access to updated information about the chapter’s composition (interest groups, officers’ information, etc.) and information regarding the activities being organized by the chapter. It is laid out in a way that allows fast access to the closest activities (time wise); thanks to this, anyone can find information about what is happening around them in the landing page, and hopefully, join us in the activities.
Since one of the cores of the chapter is the relationship with the community, our social networks can be found anytime at the top of the site. At the bottom of the publications there is a menu that allows the sharing of content with just a couple clicks and finally our tweet feed. Each one of these components are thought to bring the visitors a way to stay in touch.
The Competitive Programming Network was born in order to create a friendly environment open to any person, in any place of the world, with the will to participate in programming competitions. To bring this project to life, a webpage with a simple design was necessary. There is information about the competitions, a direct link to the virtual judge (BOCA), the forums and a download section with utilities.
Finally the forums, which have a strong relation with the competitions, are one to be proud of, as they have become the main information source for participants in order to find hints or simply share ideas about the problems. They are a good way to help the network grow, from the competitors’ perspective, towards the common goal of becoming better programmers.
Last April 11th, our server hosted phase 1 of the Mexican Grand Prix, a competition that leads towards the ACM ICPC regional competition later this year. It was a huge responsibility having to judge more than 2000 submissions in the hours that the competition lasted. During the last year, 54.73% of visits to our website have been from Colombia, while the remaining 45.27% is distributed between 9 other countries. We are aiming far to make our chapter grow more and more. Mexican visitors are a good example, in the last year there has been an increase of more than 1000% in relation with the same item in the previous year. Finally another good example of our growth as a chapter is the percentage of returning visitors: 21% of the visitors in 2013-2014 came back later at some point. During the time lapse of 2014-2015, it has increased to 58.7%
Students and courses
Students who take computer science and related courses, and typical majors of our chapter members:
Number of students at:
- Systems Engineering: 53
- Electronic Engineering: 7
- Industrial Engineering: 1
- Other University: 1
- Faculty members: 4
Some of our members are taking two majors, those students are counted twice.
Total unique members: 57
In our University, there are around 300 people studying Systems Engineering, which is the equivalent career to Computer Science.
About us
Email: [email protected]
Web page: acm.javeriana.edu.co
Facebook: facebook.com/acmjaveriana
Twitter: twitter.com/acmjaveriana
Lifelong Learning
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