People of ACM European Chapters - Bulletin Archive

"People of ACM European Chapters" highlights the unique scientific accomplishments and compelling personal attributes of ACM chapter members in Europe who are making a difference in advancing computing as a science and a profession. These bulletins feature ACM members whose personal and professional stories are a source of inspiration for the larger computing community.


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Meet Thiemo Wambsganss

Thiemo Wambsganss is tenure-track Research Assistant Professor for Digital Technology Management and lead of the Human-Centered AI-based Systems (HAIS) Lab at Bern University of Applied Sciences in Bern, Switzerland. His research lies in the general area of human-computer interaction (HCI) with influences from natural language processing and machine learning. He strives to understand how humans perceive, interact, and learn with intelligent tools. Wambsganss is Chair of the Swiss ACM SIGCHI Chapter.